"Dictators don't stop until they are stopped' Garry Kasparov
New York Law Against Atrocities of War (NLAAW)
activism group
What We Do
We're on a mission to help you to address your senator with a simple letter of support to Ukraine. Ukraine is fighting against aggressor for the future of Democracy.
3 actions we recommend to do here:
1) check your Senator name and Tweet address; and
2) print the letter A) and tweet it to your Senator; and
3) print the leaflet B) with a link to this site and give it to a friend
List of Twitter Accounts of the US Congressmen
A) Tweet your Senator a scan of this letter
Please fill it in with the name of the Senator from a link above and sign!
B) Give Your Contact An Intro Letter With a Picture
Print it and attach it to the draft letter you give to your friend. Spread the word!
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